Thursday, September 6, 2007

Office Pains

  • Seeing the same people, day in, day out
  • Hate the girl who eats her breakfast at her desk every morning, and all you can hear is the clank of her spoon against the irritating. I'll give her a plastic spoon one of these days.
  • The bosses snoop....funny how the boss knows all
  • Hate how the boss is always behind you, looking at what you're doing, just at the time you dont want her to be there...just checked....she's not behind me right now thank God!
  • Hate how work monitors internet use...IT if you're reading this....
  • Why do work functions like the Christmas Party and the Summer BBQ have to be compulsory? I'm running out of plausible excuses to get out of these "great networking opportunities"
  • If I spend 9-5 Monday to Friday with the same people in the office, why on earth would I want to spend my evening and weekend time with them as well?!

More Office Pains to follow when I think of them....feel free to add your own. It's good to get it off your chest!

Today's day

what do you do when you're so bored at work you're actually deafening yourself with inward screaming?! Another hour and a half to go before I get to go home. Thank God tomorrow's Friday!

I'm starting to become one of those people who live for the weekend. I wake up on Monday morning looking forward to Friday 5pm so much. Not that I've anything to do at the weekend at the minute, but just to be away from this place.

See, I trained in a medical profession, so I was used to dealing with people face to face. Took a bit of a career change and went into office work and have been here for the past 2 years now. God, office work's so different. You see the same people day in, day the same rubbish in the same coffee shop at break, listen to the same conersations and comments from people on the floor. Theres so many things that bug me about this place, but after 2 years I'v become a bit glued to the place. I think I'll do another post about what bugs me about offices and let ye add to it as ye think of things.

Oh I lost another pound in far thats 4 pounds this week and its only Thursday. I was fairly tired in the gym this morning though. Only managed 28min on the crosstrainer. Had intended to do 35-40min. Will have to run for a bit longer this evening. Have physio after work though, so will have to see how the legs feel after my physio gets her elbow in at them! Oh Im looking forward to being able to go back trainign again. Havent been able to do much kicking in the past 2 weeks cuz my legs have been sore. Hopefully now next week I'll be able to do a class...fingers crossed.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Weighing it up

So, my training has recommenced twice a day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, once a day on Wednesday and Sunday.....and healthy eating Monday - Saturday. Have to lose 8kg at least in the next 10 it possible? Hell yeah!

When I was training for the worlds I lost 11kg over a period of 2 months. Bit too much too quick I know. Looking back on photos of me now, I looked a bit ill. But I felt great! Afte the worlds I put on 5kg, which I now have to lose. My coach also wants me to drop down into another wieght category, which is why I have to lose 8kg from where I am now (64kg).

You know when people say they hate diets? Well, I actually dont mind them too much. I get such satisfaction out of setting myself a goal weight and getting just a bit below it. goal is to be 55kg by 14th November. That will be the lightest I've been since I was about 9 or 10 yers old.....crazy!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Nite ruined

Oh my God...some people are just useless. Pardon the ranty blog...but oh my God. Got a text today from 2 of my old housemates. Havent seen them all was all up for going out tonight and catchin up. Five minutes before I head out the door to meet them, they cancel. Five minutes! I'd my make up on, outfit sorted, all ready to go....and they cancel. You'd think I'd be more pissed off than I am, but a bit used to it at this stage. It's still bloody annoying tho.

Think I need to get myself a new circle of friends....but where to start? Don't have that many options at the min....not anyone at work, not in college anymore, people in the sports club...yeah I train with em, but its not like I'd go out with them.......

What to do.........

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Eldest

I wonder how many people reading this are the eldest in the family? Well, I am. I've 3 younger of which is only a year and 11 days younger than me. But the difference in the way herself and myself were brought up is astonishing. For instance, I was always told I couldnt go out clubbing or anything until I was 17 or so...she was out when she was 15!

The Eldest child has to set the best example, cuz the younger ones live up to the phrase "monkey see, monkey do" the majority of the time. I was a high achiever in school. I dont mean to brag, but I always got the highest marks in exams..including my finals in school. As a result, all 3 of my sisters study hard, and have all over achieved. Even the youngest, and she's only 9.

I think my parents (Mom especially) was afraid of making mistakes bringing me up. As the eldest, she felt she had to stamp her authority on me. This was to esure I didnt do the normal teenage thing and rebel. But in the process of trying to raise the perfect eldest, she got most of everything wrong. Note to parents out there....corporal punishment only serves to distance yourself from your kids. Fear and hate and pain is not the same as respect.

I wonder how you can strike a balance between raising your kids right, instilling in them a sense of respect for you, yet maintain the love and closeness that should be between parents and kids?

My Dad, I suppose, managed that. I cant remember him lifting a hand once against me...not once. The worst thing he ever said, that really hurt me was "you've really disapointed me"...and that was after I'd cursed at someone. His way, is the perfect way I suppose. He's a gentle giant....not perfect in any way....but just good enough to be one in a million

Outside vs Inside

Right..if this thing is supposed to be a look into my head, my thoughts, what makes me tick...and what makes me go boom occasionally, I'd better give you an insight into who I am.

I am you're average 24 year old, office worker...qualified from college 2 years ago and fell into a job that was a bit above my experience level. Turns out I'm an exceptional blagger in interviews, and I well blagged my way into this job, I can tell ya. As a result, I'm the youngest member of a close team, in a highly strung department with an equally highly strung boss (you'll hear more about her as the blogs progress). But it's offically the weekend, so I'm not going to talk about work until Monday again.

On the outside...I'm really sporty - play every sport under the sun. Get up and go running before work, and usually again after work. I'm fierce competitve......more about why I'm so sports mad later.

People on the whole see me as a happy, friendly, "nice, nice" person...always obliging, always there if you need a rant and need someone to listen to it.

On the inside....whole other story. I'm all mixed up and "selfconsecure" - thats my word. I'm trade marking it now. It may seem like a mumbled mix of nonsence to you, but it describes me in a nutshell.

Hey - Welcome

Well, this is my 1st time ever posting one of these a totally anonomus person....which is good good. I've called this my "ups and downs", cuz I figured it would be easier to post my ups and down here, rather than talk to anyone face to face about them. At the minute I'm not having any up or down moments..which I suppose is a good way to start - from my neutral.

So, here's me at my neutral....just a regular Jane Doe. I get on grand with most people. Work my 9-5. Make small chat with people as I meet them. Someone nicknamed me Little-Miss Sunshine, which was cute I thought. Was having a very much "Up" day then I think!

But to be honest, there isn't one person out there who knows the real me...until now.